Crowdaa – No code – Cloud – Application -Zéro code – provider – Amazon – AWS – Communautaire – wordpress – communauté

Crowdaa – No code – Cloud – Application -Zéro code – provider – Amazon – AWS – Communautaire – wordpress – communauté

Our customers few clicks

Choose the right platform for your needs

Create your free account

Test and pay only after your project is officially deployed online

Create your free account

Customize your app and update your content

Deploy and submit your app on the store.

Crowdaa – No code – Cloud – Application -Zéro code – provider – Amazon – AWS – Communautaire – wordpress – communauté

Our features

News feed

Publish your agendas, reports, schedules in the form of photos, texts and videos, in a few clicks.


The application allows you to alert your users by instant notification on the most urgent actions in progress.


Give users a voice on your own social network where your community can post comments or make suggestions.


Manage your own advertising network by inserting your image/video collaborations into your content


Moderate your community in a few clicks from your dashboard.


Enable integrated purchases to monetize your content.

Live streaming

Broadcast live, for free or for a fee, the events you want to share.


Restrict the visibility of your content by granting permissions and badges to users in your community. Give preference to your members


Boost your relationship with your users by offering them surveys!


Take advantage of our responsive and secure infrastructure.


Put online web developments that you have made elsewhere, by integrating them into your application.

Zero code

Manage your mobile applications and your website without knowing programming.

Data management

The RGPD data belongs to you because you are the owner of the application and the data it generates (unlike FaceBook!)

Our technologies

Zero code

Crowdaa allows non-developers to publish applications without writing a line of code.


Your application can handle peaks in consumption in millions of connections without having to worry about service disruption.


Your users can be located in different parts of the world and get the best quality of service.

Data base

Your databases no-SQL are elastic in order to hold the load and prevent any risk of service failure.

Infra "France" or "US

You can choose to deploy your services on a cloud based in France or in the United States.

Content Delivery Network

Your content are pre-routed to caching servers around the world to ensure your users have the best consumption experience.


All communications between users and online services are secured via TPS / HTTPS protocols.

DDoS protection

Your services benefit from a protection solution against "denial of service" attacks.


Your applications are in compliance with the technical recommendations of Apple and Google for publication on the stores.

Crowdaa – No code – Cloud – Application -Zéro code – provider – Amazon – AWS – Communautaire – wordpress – communauté

Our Partners

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d'Apporteur d'Affaires

Programme Apporteur d'affaires

Recevez 20% sur chaque mensualité payée par le client !

Simulateur des commissions

Date: 01/08/2016 15:53

Mensualité : 249

Taux de commission : 20%

Commission mensuelle reversée : 49,8

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